Fife Interfaith Group

(An associate member of interfaith Scotland)

Bringing people of all faiths and Beliefs together through mutual understanding of teachings, traditions, and practices

As Soctland moves out of the levels system, the Fife Interfaith Group hope to start holding face-to-face committee meetings. Click here for the Scottish government guidelines on how to continue protecting yourself, your loved-ones, and the NHS Staff.

Refreshing our Peace Garden - November 2020

Members of the Fife Interfaith Group and the Equalities and Diversity Unit of Police Scotland planted more...

Put The Kettle ON

Visit the Edinburgh Synagogue

Details to follow

Dementia Scotland

Here is Ruth McCabe's (Dementia Scotland) note on the event:  "Thank you so much for inviting me along to more...


Professor Joseph Goldblatt, Education Ambassador for the Scottish Council of Jewish Communiuties, or “Joe”, more...

Kirkcaldy Food Bank

Details to follow

Adult Protection

Details to follow

Visit to edinburgh Gurwara

Fife Interfaith Group’s first event of the 2019 Scottish Interfaith Week was a visit to more...

Fife Refugee Centre

Colm Wilson Chairman and Frank Bowness Secretary were delighted to meet more...

Annual Interfaith Lecture - 2019

The Fife Interfaith Group, sponsored by Interfaith Scotland, held their annual Interfaith lecture at more...

Annual Interfaith Lecture - 2020

The Fife Interfaith Group, sponsored by Interfaith Scotland, held their annual Interfaith lecture at more...

End of Year Committee meeting

On 15th December the Committee informally met to review the year just ending and identifying goals for 2021. Each member recognised that 2020 had been unusual but that we had responded well both individually and as a group. We are committed to spreading our influence through involving faiths not currently included in our group and involving a younger membership.

Our first ever "Buddies" get together

Because of COVID-19 restriction, we have been unable to meet face-to-face. more...

Fife Interfaith Picnic - 2021

At long last, we were able to hold our interfaith picnic. more...