About Us
The Fife Interfaith Group is a group of individuals from varied religious, social, and ethnic backgrounds. The things we have in common are our hopes and desires for a community based on the Aims and Objectives described below.
We meet once a month to plan our support for local worth-while causes. We regularly invite experts to help focus our efforts and encourge our respective congregations and social groups. As you would expect, we are currently meeting remotely but are looking forward to meeting face-to-face shortly.
If you would like to be invited to address our group, please contact out secretary.
Our Aims
Our Aim is to bring together people of all faiths and beliefs in Fife to advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, traditions, and practices of these various faith communities. We aim to be inclusive of all beliefs. We would only exclude individuals or groups who expressed opinions that are not in harmony with the group's stated Aims and Objectives.
Provide a platform for communication between faith and belief communities, national, regional, and local authorities, and business and educational institutions to:
- Promote mutual understanding, collaberation, and good relations between faith and belief communities and the wider society.
- Offer opportunities for faith and belief communities to share best practice on issues of common concern
- Highlight and celebrate the positive contribution of faith and belief groups
Membership is open to any person or body who accept the Aims and Objectives of FIG as expressed above.
Representatives from non-religious bodies and government agencies are welcome to open meetings but are not entitled to vote on any matters presented.
FIG have the right to request a membership fee from its members to maintain the running costs and out of pocket expenses of the group.
Members who have not attended meetings or sent apologies to the meeting over a period of 2 years will be seen as having relinquished their membership and will be removed from FIG's communication notices and newsletters. They will no longer receive invitations to FIG sponsored events. This does not apply to Honarary members.
If you woiuld like to join us you can register here.
Vice-Chairperson - cllr. Judy Hamilton
Judy comes to this group with a background of service in the community through her position at local councilor. The group is much richer because of her invovlvement.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee are appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the membership and shall comprise the positionss detailed below. The Executive Committee are empowered to deal with the day to day running of the Fife Interfaith Group and will maintain appropriate confidentiality about its business. The Executive Committee are elected to serve for three years, reviewed annually, and shall serve for no more that two consecutive terms except in exceptional circumstances.

ChairPerson - Iain Liston
Iain's employment background is in I.T. His involvement with the Fife Interfaith Group started through his wifes encouragement and now finds satisfaction in serving with this varied and generous group of people.
Honourary Members
Francis McFarlane
Membership Secretary - Evelyn Liston
Evelyn was elected at our AGM in June 2021. Evelyn is a massage therapist and has, until recently held a Scotland-wide communication assignment for her church.
Treasurer - (Activg) Briand Wood
Evelyn was re-elected as treasurer and will combine the two roles she currently hold as she encourages new members.
Funding and Sponsorship Officer - Behdokht Eliasieh
Behdokht has been serving is this position for two years and is helping the committee prepare for becoming a charity as well as reaching out to potential sponsors.
Community Outreach Officer - Colm Wilson
Colm is well know in the area for his work with the Migrants forum and is a long-serving member and past chair of the Fife Interfaith group.
Social Media Officer - Afeefa Ahmed
Afeefa runs many of the youth classes at the Kirkcaldy Central Mosque. Afeefa is fast becoming our social media expert as we expand our presence to include Twitter and Instragram.
Events Coordinator - Louisa Turner
Elected at the June 2021 AGM, Lousia has been a regular supporter of the FIG over many years. In her new role as the events coordinator she will bring all of her expertise to bear in this demamding role.