Annual Interfaith Lecture - 2020
We were pleased to be able to hold our annual lecture over ZOOM this year and were doubly please to have three guest speakers. Transcripts of their remarks are available to members of the Fife Interfaith Group.

AnneMarie Smith - Senior Health Promotion Officer
AnneMaries spoke about positive Steps to increase mental wellbieng and a full transcript is available to FIG members.

Sarah Keeble - SHIELD UK
Sarah spoke about the inspiration that started this project. She realised that there were many people in her community who were struggling as a result of COVID-19 and felt impressed to do something. She started collecting donations and, with her family, delivered food packages to those in need. The project soon outgrew her garage and through a friend of a friend she contacted the LDS church in Dunfermline. Because of lockdown the LDS congregation couldn't use their building and, following strict hygene rules Sarah and her growing team took over the building. Volunteers from the LDS community and many more from the area soon filled the recreation hall with food stuffs. More recently SHIELD have been donated the use of one of the cottages on the Carnegie college campus which is services the next phase.
Pointing to her heart Sarah said, "My effort comes from here". "I know what I want to accomplish and I feel directed". The Fife Interfaith Group are delighted to call Sarah and her tream friends.

Daryl Watson - UK Director of communication for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Daryl spoke on the topic of "Communications" which has been our Interfaith theme for the year. Again, Daryl's presentation is available to members of the FIG but here are two slides that go a little way to summarising his presentation.

Quoting a global leader of his faith, Daryl said "Social Media Channels are global tools that can personally and positively impact large numbers of individuals and families" (David A. Bednar, 2014) and recommended that the faith and belief communities need to use these inspired tools appropriately and more effectively.

This final slide may be helpful to congregation leaders as they "Connect" with members of their congregation and with society as a whole.