Refreshing the Peace Garden - 2020
Members of the Fife Interfaith Group and the Equalities and Diversity Unit of Police Scotland planted six Cherry Trees in our Peace Garden located in Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy. This is the third time we've planted trees, the previous two attempts having been valdalised.

Equalities and Diversity Unit of Police Scotland genmerously donated these trees and assisted in the planting. A special thank you to Rebecca Tweedle and Kinga Miskiewicz for thinking about us and arranging the donation.
The planting was done with social distancing in mind and Iain Liston (Chairperson) shared a short presentation stating, "We keep planting peace in the garden with an eye on planting peace in the hearts of all who come here".
Two representative from the Fife & Edinburgh Ahmadiyya Society.
Members of the Fife Interfaith Group, Police Scotland and two Police Officier from Police Scotland and two helpers from Kirkcaldy Parks department.