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Please note that the Fife Interfaith Group reserves all rights to these photographs. Reproduction or use of these photographs, without written permission is prohibited.
Please contact us for additional information.
Fife Interfaith Group
(An associate member of interfaith Scotland)
Bringing people of all faiths and Beliefs together through mutual understanding of teachings, traditions, and practices
As Soctland moves out of the levels system, the Fife Interfaith Group hope to start holding face-to-face committee meetings. Click here for the Scottish government guidelines on how to continue protecting yourself, your loved-ones, and the NHS Staff.
At long last, we were able to hold our interfaith picnic. Here is our report and a few of the photos taken in the day.
Fife Interfaith Group organised an interfaith picnic in the Beveridge Park's Peace Garden, Kirkcaldy on Saturday 4 September 2021. The event was well attended with representatives from various Christian faiths, Humanist, Baha'i, Muslim and people of no faith as well as community members ranging from one to eighty years old. The picnic combined fun games like a car and spoon race with more reflective activities like writing diversity wishes onto bunting. It was well attended, enjoyable afternoon.
Icebreakers of quizzes and people's bingo gave way to quality conversations and breaking down of barriers between the diverse faiths gathered, giving us the opportunity to speak with each other, learning more about each other, building relationships for a stronger future.
Fife Centre for Equality sponsored our Picnic and we are very grateful.
It was part of the Diversity Week Fife. The theme of this year's Diversity Week is 'Rebuilding Community' and it was very fitting indeed to invite people of Fife to our picnic.
It was a pure joy to be able to meet friends, family outside in the fresh air after a long time and excellent way to make new friends. The kids had a good time playing with balls, bubbles and running.
We enjoyed the games of badminton and volleyball, as well as sharing foods, baking & plums.
“It was a really good showcase for togetherness, peace with each other – and faith in goodness. “
Pat GreenHough (Fife Centre for Equality with Gordon and Evelyn (FIG committee members).
The comments below were given by some of the people in attendance and placed on bunting which was wrapped around trees in the park. This activity was an Expression of Faith and time for reflection on what diversity week and celebrations meant to those in attendance – messages for others.
• Unity in Diversity
• Make love, not war
• Hope
• There are no others! We're children of God
• The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens
• We need every person to add flavour and for a delicious recipe – Full flavour for Fife
• Peace
• All are welcome to come together
• Diversity brings strength. Please keep working!
• We are more similar than different
• The amazing thing about God's love for us, he accepts us, just as we are.
• Have hope
• Be the person you were created to be, be unique!
• Hope
• Diversity is like a jigsaw, all different and unique. We need all pieces of the jigsaw to make a whole; we need to find a way to fit together.
The Peace Garden
After the picnic, some people got in touch.
“Thank you very much everyone for organising the picnic. We really enjoyed it and appreciated your support.”
“Thank you so much to everyone for assisting with the picnic today. It was lovely to see some new faces. It was a lovely afternoon.”
“A lovely day in the fresh air, I think I will sleep tonight. Thank you for your friendship. It was good to see people in the flesh so to speak”
“A really good day! Thanks to everyone. It was a really good show case for togetherness, peace with each other and faith in goodness.”
“Thanks to everyone for organising a very enjoyable and successful day.”
“It was good on Saturday.”
“It was amazing on Saturday how strangers young and old (and old people with sticks joining in with the games – they were competitive) everyone just came together and enjoyed each other's company in the park, there was no awkwardness, no barriers, just really happy people!”
“I can't stop telling people what a great time I had on Saturday, when is the next one?”
We hope to have another Interfaith Picnic next year in another part of Fife, to allow others to join in.
Spurned on by everyone's enthusiasm for more social gatherings open to all beyond our group and membership, we are already planning our next event. Thank you for the opportunity which your funding gave us to allow us to test the waters on how popular an event would be for a diverse, group of people from different faiths to want to come together.
Welcoming New members and visitors
Welcoming New members and visitors
This way ->
Games with Prizes
Who doesn't like blowing bubble?
Some more Photos
Please note that the Fife Interfaith Group reserves all rights to these photographs. Reproduction or use of these photographs, without written permission is prohibited.
Please contact us for additional information.