Equality and Diversity Unit, Fife Regional Police. - "Promoting equality, inclusion, and wellbeing both within the organisation and the wider community."
Interfaith Links
Interfaith Scotland - "Making a difference through dialogue"
The Fife Interfaith Group are associate members of Interfaith Scotland and we seek to support their events and align ourselves with their objectives.
Aberdeen Interfaith group - "Providing a positive and safe space to meet and accept our common humanity, respect our differences and share our wish for a more peaceful, harmonious world."
Dundee Interfaith Association - "Currently the group is holding dialogue meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm." more info ...
The Interfaith Network - "Promoting Inter Faith understanding and cooperation."
This page contains a list of resources and links. We are happy to recommend the organisations lists below. If you would like your group to be included in this list, please email the group chairperson.

Local Resources
Fife Centre for Equalities - "Working with Partners to make Fife a fairer place to Live, Work, and Study."

Fife Migrants Forum - "To ensure that Fife is a place where both migrants and local people can celebrate their diversity in a welcoming and safe environment, as well as alleviate the poverty that many migrants experience."
Kirkcaldy Food Bank - "Nobody in Kirkcaldy area goes hungry during a time of crisis and that everybody shares what they have."
Kirkclady Central Mosque - "Striving towards the advocation of peace and harmony of society through faith, affection and tolerance."
Generations Working Together - "The nationally recognised centre of excellence supporting the development and integration of intergenerational work across Scotland."
Shield UK - "If you are struggling in the current economic climate, we can help you and your family."

Fife Voluntary Action - supporting, developing and representing community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering.