June 2020 Fife Interfaith Group AGM 2020
We regret that due to the Corona virus outbreak we have cancelled our physical meetings. We have been holding our committee meetings by a ZOOM web conference call and this is also true od our recent Annual General Meeting which was held on Wednesday 10th June 2020.
You can review the committee members and their roles here.
We encourage everyone to follow the goverment instructions and hope you, your family, and your congregations are safe and well.
JUne 2020 Our newest Committee MemberS
We are delighted to announce that cllr. Judy Hamilton has accepted the nomination to serve as our vice-chairperson at our recent Annual General Meeting. We are sure she will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organisation.
Welcome Judy!
We'd also like you to welcome Junaid Syed (Photo coming soon) as our membership Secretary. Junaid previously served as chairperson on the FIG and returns to our group after extensive world-wide travel.
Welcome back Junaid.

Members of the Fife Interfaith Group were joned by two representatives from Interfaith Scotland, Dr. Mauseen Sier (Director) and Frances Hume (National Development Officer) at our recent AGM.
September 2020 Associate Membership of Interfaith Scotland
At the Annual General Meeting of Interfaith Scotland to be held on 15th September 2020 it will be formally announced that the Fife Interfaith Group have been accepted as Associate members. The committee feels that this is a huge step for us and will allow us to more fully align ourselves with Interfaith Scotland and the other interfaith groups.
September 2020 How are you doing? - Children's survey
Thousands of Children have responded to the "How are you doing? survey on April, May, and June. Children's parliament has now published a report on findings and as the report considers what 'recovery' might need, there is much to learn by listening to what children report. Click here for the report.
You may also be interested in the new resource "Back to school: a rights based approach to recovery"
September 2020 Annual Interfaith Lecture and AGM of Interfaith Scotland
Science and Religion: My Personal Approach to the Pandemic
Professor Jason Leitch CBE (National Clinical Director) gave the Interfaith Scotland Annual Lecture on 14th September 2020 at 4:00pm. Click here to review his video message (Scroll down to find it).

October 2020 - A poem to brighten your day
Frank, our secretary and resident poet, has written a poem to brighten your day. This is it's first airing. We'd love to here our thoughts. Maybe you'd like to send us your poem. Click here to read the poem and click here to send your response.
September 2020 Equality and Diversity in Fife
P division officers PC Rebecca Tweedie and PC Kinga Miskiewicz recently took over the role within the Equality and Diversity Unit within Fife. They both have 8 years’ service having worked within response, community and public protection roles. They are keen to move forward with equality, inclusion and wellbeing both within their organisation and in the wider communities they serve as police within Fife. They offer different training to business and organisations including third party reporting training which allows organisations to help support and facilitate a report to police when people have been the victim of a hate crime. They also deliver keep safe training which is part of the national ‘I am me’ programme, training up premises as dedicated safe places for people who may feel vulnerable whilst out in the community. As Police Officers they can offer different inputs and safety advice to groups to ensure communities have knowledge and understanding and access to police. They are more than happy to answer any questions and look forward to working in partnership with Interfaith Fife.
NOvember 2020 - Appearance on Radio
Iain Liston (Chairperson) was invited to speak on The Breakfast Show of the "Voice of Islam" radio show on Thursday 26th November 2020. The link to the show can be found here. Select the date and scroll to around the 35 minute mark if you just want to hear his remarks. Iain spoke of the importance of Prayer in most faith traditions and of the Christian invitation to love God and our neighbours.

NOvember 2020 An addition to our peace garden
On behalf of Equality and Diversity Unit of Police Scotland, Police Officers Rebecca Tweedle and Kinga Miskiewicz donated six cherry tress for planting in the Peace Garden in Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy. The trees were planted with the assistance of George and Gordon from Fife Council Parks department. The brief ceremony was attended by 15 including cllr. Judy Hamilton, members of the Fife Interfaith Group (Past and Present) and representatives from the Ahmadiyya Society, Edinburgh & Fife.