
Professor Joseph Goldblatt, Education Ambassador for the Scottish Council of Jewish Communiuties, or “Joe”, as he likes to be known, delivered an informative and interesting talk to Fife Interfaith Group about Judaism and how they celebrate their Faith in customs and rituals which of course are centuries old. He started by producing one of “Joes’ Boxes”. They are not named after him even though it was his idea to send one to all the councils in Scotland to let them know about Judaism. Joe, is an Acronym, Jewish Objects for Education in Scotland. He opened the boxes and then explained the use of the items enclosed which are used in the Synagogue and celebrations of the Sabbath and festivals such as Hannukah and Passover and how these all relate to past incidents in the history of Judaism. His enthusiasm for his Faith was catching and his humour lightened the whole talk. He has a special affection for Scotland, the only country in the world never to have expelled the Jews.